How to create a TinyTap game?

TinyTap is built to be fun to create with just as much as it for playing with, Just to make sure you don’t miss any of TinyTap’s best features, we put toghter this basic walkthrough.

The Library

The library is the first screen you see when you launch TinyTap, it’s where all the games you own and create are at.

Game Screen

A TinyTap game is a series of photos with one or more questions about something in the photo. in this screen we add photos

Recording Room

To add a question recording you simply tap on the photo you want to edit.

You start by tapping on the record question and then you ask something like – Where is the baby? the next step is to trace the answer area in the photo.


Question Editor

That’s it, your game is ready. we can add more questions or edit the one we just created.

But for the most basic game, even this can do!

Playing The Game

Back in the library we can see our new game, tap on it to start the game.

When the game starts we see our photo and hear the question we recorded, when the right answer is tapped , i.e the baby, we get points and a ballon!


Level Complete

When you finish the game, you can see your score,

The scoring system is simple, if you get the correct answer on the first try, you get all 3 stars, when a mistake is made, you lose one star, but no matter how many time you try, you will always get to keep one star when you get the right answer!

TIP: On the top left corner, you can see the best score ever achieved in your game and the perfect score – getting all the answers in the first try! That is a great way to keep track on the player progress.



Any game you create can be shared via email with the people you love.

In the library screen, tap on the edit button and then on the email icon for the game you wish to share. Btw, you can also share your games with us by sending them to [email protected], we promise to publish the best games for everyone to enjoy.

TIP: You can also get the sharing option from the bottom left Feedback button in the Library screen or from the top menu when your in the Create Screen.


TinyTap Community Store

From the library screen, tap on the Store button to visit the TinyTap Store.

At The TinyTap store you can get stunning new games with high educational value.
You can even edit them to add your own voice and photos to easily personalize any game.


That’s it for our basic TinyTap Walkthrough, for the more advanced readers, you can make your games more intresting by adding multiple questions to a photo and recording not only a question but also a recording for when the player get the right answer or the wrong one, e.g “That’s close! keep looking for the baby, she is blowing bubbles, can you find her?”

Remember, if you create something awesome, please send it us at [email protected] and we will publish it here for everyone to download.

Next walkthrough will guide you how to add multiple questions and different recording types, stay tuned!

Have fun making games!

category: Guide

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