New! TinyTap joins forces with Apple ClassKit!

Starting today, it’s even easier to assign games and track their progress


TinyTap joins Apple’s Classroom app, a versatile teaching assistant from Apple’s ClassKit educational tools.

Classroom puts you in charge of every iPad in your classroom, so you can ensure your students are on track.

Seamlessly assign TinyTap games via the Classroom app, view insights, and manage their progress.



What makes it so amazing?


  • Share TinyTap content with your students
  • Simultaneously use TinyTap and other educational apps in one convenient place
  • Tailor instructions to students’ specific needs
  • Instant feedback for each students or class
  • Simple and organized assignment for the student

Check it out now 


Crying Baby? Easily Communicate With “Love Signs”


Love Signs is a five episode series that guides you on how to communicate with your child through signing.

With interactive instruction and songs, we can teach them to share with you their needs instead of saying “this” and pointing at everything.
With use of simple signs, your child will be able to express his or her needs in a way that you can understand, and vice versa.
Learning signs in order to communicate will empower both you and your baby and will help your baby feel seen, heard, and understood.
Your child will:

  •   Enjoy a frustration-free language acquisition journey
  •   Learn the signs from you in a fun way
  •   Enrich his or her vocabulary and motor skills
  •   Build his or her attention and concentration skills
  •   Be encouraged to use eye contact communication through daily life experiences

The episodes relate to everyday parent-child interactions: changing a diaper, going out to the garden, bed time and more.



About The Creator

Hi! My name is Michal Nave. I’m a sign language expert.
When I became a mother almost a decade ago, I discovered that sign language hides within it a magic….the magic of enabling us to communicate with your child.



So what are we waiting for? Let’s begin…

Click here to begin your baby’s exciting language learning journey!


category: Parenting

How to play TinyTap on your iPad with sound

Check both mute switches: there is a physical one on the side of your device and one in the control center (see images below)

iPad mute switchiPad control center iOS11

category: Uncategorized

How to Use TinyTap for a Smooth Back to School Transition

Create a smooth transition, manage class tasks and connect with parents with TinyTap



The welcome banners are up, the class tablets are charged, and soon your new students will walk into class for the first time. The start of a new school year is full of excitement and opportunity, and a great time to get students geared up for the milestones ahead.


Here’s how to use TinyTap to create a smooth transition for the start of the school year:


Introduce students to their new faculty and school:

Ease back to school anxiety by introducing students to teachers and familiarizing them with their classrooms and school buildings. See how trusted teacher, Evelyn Chaleki, created a welcome guide for students entering Kindergarten at her school.



Here are a great tips to follow for creating a welcome guide:

  • Include photographs of the class’ teachers, librarian, music teacher, and principal with a personalized greeting from each facility member the student will interact with.
  • Add a sound board activity with the school layout, and explain what students will do in the library, lunch room, gym and more.




Create a class directory activity:

Ice breaker activities are great to create class relationships and encourage students to feel comfortable with their new teachers and classmates. Create an activity that introduces each child while enforcing a concept the class is learning.

  • Learn the alphabet while getting to know classmates: Organize an alphabet game using student’s names.
  • Practice presentation and research skills: Students can introduce themselves in a video and share a brief biography of a historical figure they admire, or facts on their favorite animal.


Image uploaded from iOS


Connect with Parents:

Invite parents to join your class group to share class assignments. Parents will receive a notification when activities are assigned, so they know what their children are learning in school, and can work with them at home to meet goals.


Parents will also receive a weekly report showing their child’s progress. Encourage parents to continue working with their learners at home by sending home the Parent Handout. Students can scan into their accounts with their personal QR codes, and complete assignments at home. 

QR_code (1)


Assign Activities


Manage class assignments with TinyTap Insights. Create a class group to easily share tasks and measure student progress. Once a lesson is assigned, you can track completion and see scores.


Discover how to create class groups and manage class tasks:



Review Last Year’s Material

Make your back to school review engaging with a TinyTap activity that students can play and review at their own pace.


You can create a menu using a sound board activity, allowing students to jump to videos, diagrams, and pictures that cover material students will build upon from last year.


Assess understanding

TinyTap activities are fully measurable. Get a look at students’ understanding of key subject areas through personalized games.


You can ask students questions based on the subject or learning level. Need inspiration for creating your own review and assessment games? Checkout of the TinyTap Handbook to learn how to use TinyTap features to bring your lessons to life.



Get back to school ready today by creating your class learning group, inviting parents, and creating activities for your class.


Get started by creating a class group today!

category: Create an App, Guide