Introducing Houdini Images

Reveal your lesson’s full potential with TinyTap’s Houdini Images

Teach complex topics and master new concepts with responsive images. TinyTap’s newest tool offers creators a way to add images and gifs that appear, disappear, move, or sound upon tap.


Many topics and concepts are hard for learners to understand through static images. Creators can now add interactivity that enables learners to delve deeper by discovering layers, flipping through flashcards for more information, and watching a process unravel on their screen.


Add a touch of magic to your lessons with Houdini:


Teach complex concepts in stages: Reveal the inner workings of layered objects. Instead of showing several diagrams of the human body, or layers of a planet,  delve deeper by tapping by peeling through the layers for details.



Create digital flashcards: Master new material with flashcards that hide and reveal correct answers. Students can create their own test-prep materials and quiz themselves.



Reveal multi stage processes: Provide step-by-step details for processes and cycles. For example, instead of showing a life cycle, students can progress through the steps by tapping to unveil information.



Reinforce early math skills: Build confidence with activities that empower students to learn to count by tapping away images and uncovering the solution underneath.



You can add 9 interactivity options with Houdini:


Appear on Tap:



Play on Tap:



Disappear on Tap:

Watch the full tutorial here: 



How will you use the magic of Houdini? Play the Houdini Tutorial game to learn how you can reveal the learning potential of your lessons:


category: Uncategorized

5 Tips for Promoting Your TinyTap Games

You’ve done the hard part: you’ve turned your lesson into an interactive TinyTap game. You put time and thought into how to best present the material and now it’s time to tell the world! Here are 5 easy ways to promote your content and get it the attention it deserves!


 1. Create a compelling cover for your activity 

Game covers are the first thing people look at in the TinyTap marketplace. Make sure the cover is clear and appealing. Use high quality graphics and well-designed pages to grab the viewer’s attention.


Create a compelling cover

Need some inspiration? Use our ‘Covers’ and ‘Layouts’ creation packs to get some design ideas, or look at this list of great covers created by some of our top creators.



 2. Use informative titles and descriptions 

Make sure your game’s title and description reflect the game’s content and educational value. Use relevant keywords that your target audience will be looking for. You can also use the # in front of keywords, to make sure your game appears in searches for those words (for example: #Grammar).


Remember: The title you give your game will be the one that appears in Google searches as well.


Descriptive Titles


3. Share your game with your followers

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or your blog – spread the word about your new game with your friends, students and followers. It’s an effective way to promote it and get instant feedback.

Link to your game

Whenever possible, don’t just link to your game, embed your them! That way your readers can play without leaving the page.


Embed your game

Share your game on other marketplaces – it’s a sure-fire way to reach a relevant audience and extend your personal brand.


Promote your game in other marketplaces

Remember to add your “TinyTap Trusted Teacher” badge to your blog or website, so people will know you’re a certified TinyTap educator!


4. Pitch to relevant bloggers and websites

Pitch your games to relevant websites and blogs to get even more exposure! The more websites link to your game, the more traffic it will get.


5. Connect to TinyTap on Social Media 

Our social media channels are constantly updated with tips, video tutorials and new features – all guaranteed to help you step up your game. Make sure you follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterestVineInstagram and Google Plus.


category: Uncategorized

Meet TinyTap’s Trusted Teachers: Moses Sia


Great educators have the ability to ignite creativity in learners while teaching new concepts. Moses Sia is an expert in this. He shares his inspirations and processes for creating and teaching with TinyTap.


Where are you from?


I was born in Singapore, and have been working in Singapore except for the three years I spent in Indonesia. I was heading a private school there, for a wide range of students from K-12, which was really interesting.


How many years have you been teaching for?


I worked in the public school in Singapore for 15 years.  At the end of my 15 years in the public school system, I was a Principal of a primary school. Following that I decided to do what I had been telling people to do, which is to become more innovative and enterprising. I left and set up my own business for 6 years before I had the opportunity to go to Indonesia for three years. Since returning to Singapore I have been running my own business again.


What inspired you to go into education?


It’s the first job that I had and I must say it’s because I had very good teachers when I was a student. I felt that they made a difference and I hoped that I could make the same difference as a teacher as well.  


What is something people might not know about you?


One thing that many people who meet me for the first time find unusual is that I have a mustache. It’s not very common for a Chinese guy of my build. And, people are often quite curious as to why I have one.


It started because when I first began teaching I looked very young. In fact, the lecturer I had in teachers’ college said I would have to be a little firmer with students, and if not my students would climb all over me. I thought that the mustache made me look older, because I started off as a highschool teacher. After all these years it’s become a trademark.


How do you use TinyTap in your teaching?


As far as working with teachers, I like to leverage the power of creating that TinyTap allows.  There is nothing else out there that is able to help the learner create an interactive game as part of the learning process. That’s something I highlight to teachers, as well as in my own approach to teaching.


Then of course, I’ve been creating a lot. I learn quite a lot from creating and I hope that whoever uses the games I create will also learn from them.


What’s the most important thing to keep in mind when creating activities for students?


As a young student or as a teacher-creator the perspective and approach are slightly different.


When it comes to students, I think it can be a challenge to think of a suitable TinyTap game they can create. The process should involve learning about the content and not just the technology they are using.


Teachers can meld it into a learning experience that is educational and at the same time fun. As a teacher, thinking of creating as part of the learning process is important.


As a teacher or author creating games, for me it’s important to keep in mind the learning objectives as well as how to exploit the features of TinyTap in a way that makes the interactivity not only fun, but meaningful.


What’s your favourite activity type on TinyTap?


I think that based on the frequency of the features I use, the Sound Board is possibly my favourite feature. Sound board has enough possible combinations of how you can use it. For example, the jump to page feature allows you to create a path through the game.


It’s also easy for the seniors I work with to understand how the game becomes a photo album, as if the narrator is sitting next to you and explaining the different parts of a photo album. It’s fun and easy, and students don’t have to think too much in terms of interactivity.


How do you get inspiration?


This is related to everything I say about creativity, which is the other topic I am very passionate about. And, one of the aspects of creativity is that it comes from immersing deeply into the subject you are interested in. Because I am fascinated by TinyTap, and I am also very passionate about how Chinese can be taught in a more interesting manner, I keep thinking how I can creatively teach Chinese, and ideas come about.


Can you share the process of creating an activity?


When an idea germinates I think about it in my head and I imagine what it might look like. Then for the games I create, most of the time I start with the illustrations. I go about trying to gather the images and then creating the game on TinyTap.


Everything comes together very quickly. The images are easy to make. I can actually put a game together within just a couple of hours because TinyTap is easy to use.


What inspired you to start illustrating?


Frankly, I dare not claim to be an illustrator. I call myself a doodler. I have always enjoyed doodling, although I started off as a Physics and English teacher. So I was not in anyway a very artsy person. When I decided to try out creating more games, I was also seeing how the iPad was getting easier and easier for drawing, and so I looked into apps and experimented. I try different styles and methods, and enjoy experimentation.


Is there anything else you want to share with the TinyTap community?

The main thing I would share with teachers is to not feel intimidated that you have to create something, but think of the creating process as part of the learning. Whether leaving the students to create or creating together with learners, I think those are wonderful ways to start.


There are so many entry points to start using TinyTap. TinyTap is a wonderful platform for creating storybooks as well. So there is a spectrum of so many ways to get into TinyTap for learning.  


Explore Moses’ TinyTap games:


פעילויות טייניטאפ פרו: כך תייצרו הכנסה מתכנים שיצרתם

פעילויות פרו הן פעילויות שנוצרו על-ידי מורים ומורות מנוסים, אשר עברו סינון ונבחרו בקפידה על-ידי צוות התוכן של טייניטאפ. התכנים, שאותם בוחרים המורים להציע למכירה, זמינים בספרייה של טייניטאפ במסגרת מנוי לטייניטאפ פרו. ניתן לזהות תכנים אלה על-ידי סימן המנעול המופיע לצידם.


50% מהכנסות החברה ממנויים מתחלקים בין המורים היוצרים פעילויות בטייניטאפ.
על-מנת להניע את מודל חלוקת הרווחים, בפברואר 2017 נעשתה בחירה קפדנית של תכנים איכותיים אשר הפכו לתכני פרו. הודעה נשלחה לכל המורים יוצרי התכנים, ובה הנחייה כיצד להשאיר את התכנים שלהם פתוחים לכל, במידה ואינם מעוניינים בכך.
תכני פרו מאפשרים למורים לייצר הכנסה נוספת וכמו כן, מאפשרים למשתמשים (הורים, מורים ותלמידים) ליהנות מתכנים חינוכיים איכותיים ואמינים.

ההחלטה אם להפוך תוכן לפרו תמיד תהיה שלכם.


אז איך הופכים פעילויות לפרו?

כדי להציע פעילות שיצרנו למכירה, נלחץ על כפתור “הצע למכירה” שנמצא בתחתית העמוד של הפעילות:



אפשר לשתף את הפעילות עם התלמידים שלי בחינם?

כעת, גם כשהפעילות שלנו מוגדרת כפרו, עדיין נוכל לשתף אותה בחינם עם תלמידים ומורים אחרים.
כדי לשתף פעילות, נפתח קבוצה דרך מרכז התובנות של טייניטאפ ונוסיף אליה את המשתמשים (חדשים או קיימים)  איתם נרצה לשתף את המשחק. ברגע שהמשתמשים התווספו לקבוצה, נוכל לשתף איתם את הפעילות באופן הבא:


למידע נוסף ומדריכים בעברית על מרכז התובנות של טייניטאפ, לחצו כאן.


ואם התחרטתי ואני לא רוצה שהפעילות שלי תהיה בתשלום?

אין בעיה. פשוט נכנסים לעמוד הפעילות שלנו ולוחצים על הכפתור “הצע פעילות בחינם”:



צוות טייניטאפ ממיין, מקטלג ומארגן את התכנים כדי להבטיח התמצאות קלה ופשוטה בפעילויות השונות. כמו כן, אנו משקיעים מאמצים רבים בכך שתכני פרו יוצגו לכמה שיותר משתמשים.

חזון החברה הוא ליצור פלטפורמה שתחבר בין תכנים חינוכיים להורים ותלמידים בכל העולם, תוך יצירת מקור הכנסה נוסף למורים.

מאז הנעת מודל חלוקת הרווחים, מספר המנויים עולה מחודש לחודש ומוכיח שתכני מורים הם תכנים שהורים, תלמידים ומורים מעריכים וצריכים!